There’s a new sheriff in town

Jen Fox, Editorial Board

New school resource officer Jeremy “Tref” Trefry has joined the faculty this year, leaving his previous position of patrolman for the Northborough Police Department.
In this position, formerly held by detective Jeffrey Noel, Trefry will be tasked with duties ranging from helping students with parking tickets to serving as a connection between the police department and the high school.
“I’m part counselor,” Trefry said. “I might just know things that are going on with you or your family or something, being from the police department. I might just say, ‘Hey, how are things going today?’ or ‘How’d that work out for you?’”
Trefry has been working with the Northborough PD for the past eight years in patrol.
The resource officer position is a detective bureau position, meaning that if police work needed to be done in the school, then it would be Trefry’s job to handle it. However, he hopes that events don’t escalate to that level.
“If I’m doing the first two things properly, the law enforcement aspects [should] be a very small percentage of what I actually do,”  Trefry said. “In reality I kind of just walk around the building, and I talk to people.”
Though it’s a big change from being on patrol, Trefry is excited about taking on this new role at Algonquin.
He’s excited about the change of pace. As the resource officer, he’ll have time to think over decisions and talk to parties involved, whereas as a patrol officer he had to think on his feet.
Trefry hopes that the information he acquires by working at the school can help his fellow police officers when they’re on duty.
“I can get to know the kids here, and then when the guys in patrol might deal with a group of kids at a party or they might stop them, they can ask me, ‘Do you know this kid?’ and I’ll be like, ‘Yeah, they’re a good kid,’ or ‘Yeah, they’re kind of a pain,’ or whatever,” Trefry said. “I have the luxury of knowing those things.”
Trefry will spend most of his time walking through the hallways, and will attend all three school-lunches. He also has an office in the Upper School Office, and says that students can reach him through the secretary, Charlotte Brillhart.