Stone plans for future as Senior Class President

Priya Maraliga

Senior Class President Lindsey Stone works with the Steering Committee to plan events for the school. She hopes to satisfy everyone with these events as she has always been interested in leadership.

Lila Shields, Staff Writer

Senior Class President Lindsey Stone is working along with the Steering Committee to plan fun events for the senior class and improve Algonquin overall.

The Steering Committee is a group of students who come together to make decisions and plan events that will better Algonquin. Stone helps organize the senior class Steering meetings. This year is Stone’s second as president, and the other senior class officers this year are vice president Kristina Callahan, secretary Catherine Morrissey and treasurer Nicole Egizi.

“We have a strong leadership that knows each other well,” Stone said. 

Stone has always been interested in leadership, and wants to satisfy everyone with the events she is planning. She has been working around COVID-19 limitations and is discovering new and creative ways to keep students engaged with school spirit. Stone and the Steering Committee have organized many events for the upcoming months for seniors such as outside activities, fundraising, snow tubing, an auction, a talent show, a fashion show and a COVID-friendly senior prom on May 20. 

“Our grade is made up of a million different kids,” Stone said. “It was good to see and talk to them all again.”

The senior class co-advisers, World Language teachers Evan Greenwald and Emily Squires, have been working with Stone and watching the seniors come together to better Algonquin.  

 “After not being able to do things from last year and previous years, there has been an increase of school spirit,” Greenwald said. 

The Steering Committee gives students the platform to share their ideas on event-planning. 

“Students should get involved in Steering; as cliche as it is, they have a voice and can make a change,” Greenwald said. 

Stone says the student body’s opinions and ideas are valued, and she will listen and do what she can to make these events satisfying to all. 

“I am definitely a go big or go home type of person,” Stone said.