Gauthier takes first steps as Sophomore Class President

Priya Maraliga

Sophomore Class President Renee Gauthier’s main focus is on funding for her class and future events.

Caroline Macaulay, Staff Writer

Ambitious Sophomore Class President Renee Gauthier is looking forward to completing upcoming projects and being an advocate for her class this year.

Gauthier ran for president freshman year, attempting to follow in the footsteps of her older brother, but fell short. She decided she would run for a second time, and her hard work paid off. Now, as she leads the Steering Committee and her fellow class officers

Gauthier’s current top priorities revolve around funds.

“Right now one of our biggest [goals] is just fundraisers,” Gauther said. “We need a lot more money for our class, for prom and other stuff like that.” 

Coming up, Gauthier plans to release merch for the class of 2024, direct a community service project, create an easily accessible website for parents and organize fun events.

With all the projects that come with it, Gauthier enjoys being a part of the Steering Committee.

“I really like talking with people and getting discussions going,” Gauthier said. “One of the really good things about steering is once you start the meeting and get going, everyone kind of throws out ideas, and it’s a big collaboration.” 

Gauthier places high value on how her fellow classmates perceive her as class president.

“[I want to be] just someone they can talk to,” Gauthier said. “If they have any problems whatsoever, they can always bring it to me, or if they have any ideas too, I’ll be there to listen, and definitely someone that can advocate for them.”

Sophomore Vice President Viviana Levin recognizes Gauthier to be an attentive, put-together president that keeps everyone involved. Levin is confident in Gauthier’s leadership.

“It seems like she knows exactly what she’s doing,” Levin said.

According to Gauthier, it’s important for a class president to be organized, responsible and have good communication skills.

“I create agendas for the steering meetings, and I also sort of run everything,” Gauthier said. “I manage how everything goes. I talk to our advisers. I also go to the Student Council and advocate for our class there, where it’s all four classes.”

Although the school year has just begun,  she is already comfortable as president.

“[Being class president is] not as scary as it seems; I was so intimidated by it at first,” Gauthier said.

For more information about the Sophomore Steering Committee, follow the Instagram page (@gonk2024). You may also seek out the advisers, science teachers Elisa Drake and Lorraine Zanini, or a current Steering Committee member.