Holidaze: hints to survive the stressful season

Anna Silver, Assistant A&E Editor

The holidays are hard; it’s just a fact. Sometimes harmonizing with Michael Buble’s holiday songs at the table isn’t always pleasing for your dinner guests. So, here are some tips to survive sticky holiday situations. Enjoy.

1. Family members… yeah, I know the struggle. Relatives make really awkward small talk. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. If your great-aunt who you only see during the holidays asks you why you’re still single, stuff a piece of pie in your mouth and say, “I’m not. I love pie and pie loves me. No reason to judge me, Aunt Lisa”. Walk away and enjoy that pie. You deserve it.

2. Buying presents. It’s always hard to find the perfect gifts for your friends and family especially when you receive minimum wage at your Stop & Shop job. When you need to find a last minute present for someone, you’re going to have to stealthily steal some necklace or shirt they haven’t worn in five years and re-gift it. To them. Trust me, this trick works. Sorry, Mom.

3. To eat until you’re sick or not to eat until you’re sick, that is the question. This is my advice: it’s the holidays and if you want, you should eat that last gingerbread cookie. But do avoid eye contact with your three-year old cousin while you do so. She wanted that cookie, too.

4. If the holiday stress really starts to get to you, do the only thing that is guaranteed to make you feel better: prank everyone. Tell your liberal grandma you voted for Trump, put saran wrap on the toilet bowl, change your dad’s contacts in his phone to names of reality TV stars. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to survive. So, prank, and prank hard. Happy Holidays!