Sophomore Tuesday: Rianna Mukherjee

Monique Radloff, Staff Writer

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

“I really like the name Aria.”

Which of these winter foods or drinks do you like most: gingerbread cookies, hot chocolate, or apple crisp?

“Gingerbread cookies, hands down.”

Which fictional world would you like to live in if you could?

“I wouldn’t want to live in the Hunger Games, probably not Divergent. I guess Harry Potter.”

If you could fly, what color and type of wings would you have?

“I would have fairy wings, and they would be gold, and they would shimmer. When I would flap my wings, gold dust would fly everywhere, and it would look really magical and would look like fairy dust.”

What would you first grab if your house was on fire (assuming that your family members are safe)?

“My phone. My phone is my everything; it has everything on it. It has my connection to the world.”