Students need space to simultaneously work, eat

I enter the library, stomach gurgling, dying to go to lunch but need to finish my homework for later. I’m hoping that I can eat while I work. I’m unfortunately put down by the fact that there is no eating in the library. It’s enforced greatly and you can be kicked out of the library for doing it. So unless you’re sneaky or brave you’re forced to work while your stomach continues to beg for food. Students are much more productive when not hungry. I get that crumbs can be annoying to pick up but there are ways to get around that. You can give people warnings and eventually kick people out if they leave a mess. If not that, then why not have a separate library where people can eat and get work done? The cafeteria is too noisy to concentrate on anything. There should be an in-between where we can both eat and get work done, together.


Alex Sena-Leo

Class of 2017