Sophomore Tuesday: Mia McAuliffe

Julie Rogers, Staff Writer

Where do you see yourself living in 5 years?

“I’m probably going to be living with my parents trying to pay off my student loans. My parents told me I could do that because a lot of my cousins do that and they’re out of college. So my number one priority, out of college, is getting rid of the student loans, definitely.”


Favorite class so far?

“Sociology, by far. I have Mr. Barry. I think he’s hilarious, he’s so funny. And it’s just a wicked relaxed class, and there are a lot of upperclassmen in it, so I think that’s kind of why it’s more relaxed, but I’m learning a lot and it’s fun.”


Strangest thing you’ve seen at Algonquin?

“That’s tough. There have been a lot of weird spirit days, so I’m trying to think of one. Well, one time, this guy for Halloween, he ran into the school, with a sheet over his head, and he was a ghost and he was sprinting. It was just really weird. It was really funny.”


If you could switch into any class, what do you think you’d switch into?

“AP psych. I really want that class. I’m hopefully going take that when I’m a senior, but I’m really interested in that, so hopefully I can take that.”


Favorite flavor of gum?

“Watermelon, definitely.”