Junior Wednesday: Rebecca Wixted

Tess Herdman, Staff Writer

Q: What activities are you involved in here at Algonquin?
A: I do music stuff a lot, I’m on the speech and debate and team, and I do Science Olympiad.”
Q: What is your favorite thing about Algonquin?
A: “I like that everybody is really friendly. Kids in all my classes are really nice to me. Even if I don’t have a ton of friends in my class, I can always find someone to make friends with.”
Q: What is something you think should change at Algonquin?
A: “I think some of the required classes are a little redundant. Like computer essentials. I don’t feel like that’s completely necessary.”
Q: Are you going to prom? What are you looking forward to about it?
A: “Yeah. I’m looking forward to hanging out with my friends. I don’t know, it’s prom! You’re supposed to look forward it.”
Q: If you were any type of cookie, what would you be?
A: “That is a very weird question. A chocolate chip cookie.”