Faculty Friday: Dan Strickland

Tess Herdman, Staff Writer

Q: How did you get involved with [robotics] team 1100?
A: “I started on an FLL [FIRST Lego League] team with my son, Mike. I heard that Algonquin was starting an FRC [FIRST Robotics Team] so I came by and asked if I could help out.”
Q: How has the team changed over the years?
A: “Well we started out with 12-18 members working out of the back closet of the wood shop, and now we’re up to 60 students and have our own classroom dedicated to the team.”
Q: What is your favorite part of working with the team?
A: “Working with the students.”
Q: What is the hardest part about working with the team?
A: “Keeping everyone busy.”
Q: What is your favorite fictional robot?
A: “R2D2.”