OPINION: South Park ranks first in comedic TV

Jake Gore, Staff Writer

When South Park showed that Randy Marsh, a 40 year-old male geologist, was secretly Lorde, the successful 17 year-old female musician, I thought the show couldn’t get any funnier. It has truly proved itself the best comedy show on television with the closing of season 19. While many may prefer shows with real actors, as opposed to animated programs, the leading sitcoms just don’t hold a candle to South Park anymore.

With the finale of season 19 leaving fans stunned with laughter, South Park has just finished one of its greatest seasons yet. It attacked the PC (politically correct) wave that has hit the US, with phenomenal satire. The character PC Principal, a self-righteous, Oakleys-wearing, workout enthusiast, was introduced into the show this season. He is adamant on verbal respect for peers, focusing on preventing minorities from being marginalized in today’s bigoted society.

The season went on to depict the characters of the town of South Park welcoming the politically correct change when they desperately try to get a Whole Foods Market to open in their town. Once Whole Foods came in, the show focused on just how gentrified the town had become, with priceless quotes from Randy Marsh (the idiot dad) such as “Wow, we’ve only had a Whole Foods for a month and already we don’t need cops.”

South Park has shown how truly ridiculous some aspects of our society has become, and it does so while providing enough laughter to bring its audience to tears.

Plenty of people clamor for Family Guy, but although Family Guy is very funny, it lacks purpose and makes fun of everything at random rather than cleverly getting laughs while critiquing American culture and society.

Some people don’t like South Park because it is seen as over-the-top offensive, but the show itself recognizes that as its tool to get across its message. Using the town as a metaphor for the show itself, the writers express how ridiculous and racy the show seems, but it makes clear the crudeness is purposeful.

In years past, plenty of shows have outshone South Park, but with stellar episodes in seasons 18 and 19, South Park has risen through the ranks to number 1. Everyone who wants a good laugh should tune in to season 20 when it comes out next year.