Faculty Friday: John Barry

Zach Wilber, Staff Writer

Q: What is your favorite candy?

A:”Peanut M&M’s. Chocolate with peanuts, it’s like the healthiest chocolate combination you can eat. It’s old school too, not fancy.”

Q: If you could eat an unlimited amount of one kind of food, with no health consequences, what food would you choose?

A: “Easily french fries.”

Q: Who is your favorite athlete? 

A:”Bobby Orr. He was the classiest athlete. Redefined the position of defenseman.”

Q: Who is your favorite band/artist of all time?

A: “That’s a toss up between U2 and Bruce Springsteen; but ultimately I think I would have to give it to Springsteen.”

Q: You are offered one million dollars. But if you accept it, Christmas is cancelled and everyone knows you are the reason why and they hate you for it. Do you take the money?

A: “No. But, Thanksgiving and all the other holidays, yes.”