Five steps to avoid falling into basic fashion trends

Katie Zieminski, Staff Writer

Basic. It’s a word you hear all the time, usually in regards to someone’s appearance and style, and maybe even your own. Whether your go-to outfit is a white t-shirt and jeans or you follow the trends of everyone around you, that is perhaps the reason you received this “basic” label. The question is, how does one rid themselves of this “basic” tag? It may be easier said than done but with a few steps, you can revamp your style to go from basic to fabulous.

Step #1: Resist the urge to shop at mainstream stores
When you’re at the mall with your friends, the odds are you all shop at the same three stores and never stray from them. There is only so much you can buy at these stores that differ from your friends. Next visit, pop into the store you’ve always looked at but never went into. There are so many options out there, and by shopping at quirky places you’ll be sporting exclusive pieces in no time.

Step #2: Buy something because you love it
You always are faced with the question, “Do I really love this?” Maybe you really do like it, or maybe you feel obliged to get something because everyone else has it. Buy something because it stands out to you, not because it’s the norm. By filling your wardrobe with unique pieces that you genuinely love, there will never be a day when you feel basic.

Step #3: Be bold and try something different
Wearing something different can be a bit nerve-racking at first. Maybe you fear that you will stand out or that people will have opinions. But those things don’t matter, as long as you are confident and feel your best. Confidence is an outfit’s best accessory, and people are sure to notice for the better.
Step #4: Find a staple piece that represents you
Like I said, confidence is the key accessory to any outfit- but a tangible accessory can be just as vital to an ensemble. Having a staple piece in your wardrobe that speaks out to you is crucial. Whether it’s a shirt with your favorite band on it, a unique scarf or a casual pair of sneakers in your favorite color, a unique, go-to piece can always add the finishing touch to your outfit that makes it truly one of a kind.

Step #5: Be your true self
You can only achieve a unique style when representing who you are on the inside- on the outside. Every day you should aim to fit your own style, not the style everyone expects you to wear. By finding that uniqueness, you are sure to rid yourself of the basic label.