The truth about the stereotypical white girl

Diana Roy, Editorial Board

Without further ado, an explanation of the common white girl trend that’s better than Urban Dictionary:

1. Starbucks is like, your life.
You go every day, arriving at the same time, parking in the same spot, and ordering the same nonfat caramel macchiato as always. Quite often, you find yourself frustrated whenever the barista spells your name wrong, yet you still accept the drink because it will make for a funny tweet later. However, we must not forget the most important part of the daily Starbucks ritual: the visual proof. Because, let’s be honest, if you didn’t take a picture, did it even happen?

2. You’ve never missed an episode of Gossip Girl.
… or Pretty Little Liars, The Bachelorette, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, and so on. Basically, you’ve recorded every episode of every season, and even if you missed one, isn’t that what Netflix is for? Besides, now that you’ve just started to rewatch season five of Grey’s Anatomy, that English essay due tomorrow is so not happening.

3. Your Fall/Winter wardrobe is pretty basic.
We know that when you say you’re just helping to save water by re-wearing the same pair of leggings four times a week, it actually means you have twenty-five pairs of those exact same black leggings in your closet. The same goes for the UGGs lined up on the floor and the array of The North Face jackets hanging up that you’ve arranged in order from darkest to lightest. Don’t be ashamed—a girl’s got to be prepared to dress comfy at a moment’s notice. Leggings all day, everyday, right?

4. You can quote Mean Girls anytime.
October is a special month. Not only does pumpkin spiced everything come back, but so does your ability to remember exactly what Regina George said to Cady Heron in the thirty-fifth minute of the movie. It’ll be class time, someone will set up the perfect scenario, and you can’t help but shout out “That is so fetch!” However ladies, there are Mean Girls references we must never forget; October third is a day to be celebrated, and as Karen Smith informed us, we wear pink on Wednesday.

5. Your bathroom motto: three’s a charm.
One’s weird, two’s lonely, and apparently three is no longer a crowd where bathroom trips are concerned. It’s the norm—you either go to the bathroom with a couple of friends, or you don’t go at all. In the words of today’s society: white girls go to the bathroom in threes because they can’t even!

6. Your iPhone is your best friend.
Your best friend is, in fact, not your real best friend. That would be the piece of technology you wake up at three in the morning for so you can see if you missed a text message. The one that you put in a ziploc bag in order to take in the shower so you won’t miss a single notification from your social media accounts. To the girls that risk their phone’s life—you’re my heroes.

7. Your many social media accounts.
Who kissed who? Oh my gosh, it’s a shirtless Colton Haynes! All fifty social media accounts you created with the same password are filled with cute animals, your ideal prom dress, and the intricate details of your future wedding to Ryan Gosling–all down to the first song that will be played. Sorry ladies, it’s inevitable.

And as all of social media has shown, there’s only one real way to end this: #whitegirl, #iPhone, #nofilter.