Junior behind the game-time camera

Julia Guay, Staff Writer

While most people cheer in the stands during football games, junior Jason Hinchey can be found with his video camera trying to capture it all on tape.

Hinchey’s material is viewed by coaches and players to improve on their techniques.

“Usually for the games I try to get up on the PA box and just try to get the best angle I can and I just follow every play,” Hinchey said.

Hinchey can also be found working with junior Jared Giurleo with the end zone camera. The camera is placed on a 20-30 foot tripod to insure they get the best angles possible.  

“It’s just got a bunch of cables running up and down it, so I do all of the cable work for him,” Hinchey explained.

Videotaping the games does not feel like a chore, but rather something Hinchey enjoys.

“I like fast paced sports,” Hinchey said. “Football is my favorite just because I like to watch that more.”  

However, Hinchey doesn’t just videotape all of the football games. He also records games for lacrosse.

“I am going to contact the basketball coach about doing basketball games too,” Hinchey said.

Directing and filmmaking has been Hinchey’s passion since he began school.

“Sophomore year I took video production with a bunch of friends,” Hinchey said. “When I first walked in I saw all of the equipment and the lights and the set and everything, and it really amazed me.”

“It just really clicked in my head that this is what I wanted to do,” Hinchey said.

Hinchey realized then that he had a love for filmmaking. He developed his passion and involved himself in many other videography activities, such as Northborough Cable Access Television.