Outside the classroom, music teachers perform with passion
Performing arts teacher Eric Vincent plays a gig with his band. Vincent performs frequently, whether it be with a seven piece band at weddings, at private parties or doing freelance work.
March 3, 2023
After a school day full of teaching students, Algonquin’s music teachers showcase their passions and talents by performing themselves.
Performing Arts teachers Eric Vincent and Olivia Goliger channel their respective passions for guitar and singing into their own performances, which brings them joy and influences their work in the classroom.
“It gives [teachers] real life experience working with other professionals in the area where they can bring the ideas back to the students here,” Fine and Performing Arts department head Amy Collins said. “It also keeps their skills fresh and engaging.”
Vincent performs frequently, whether it be with a seven piece band at weddings, at private parties or doing freelance work. Vincent said he does a fair amount of one-off gigs and even musical theater work.
“I love that I can make a living with two of my passions of teaching and music,” Vincent said.
Goliger sings with the exclusive Boston Symphony Orchestra. According to Goliger, the audition process to join this prestigious orchestra was extensive and challenging.

“[The audition] was probably one of the scariest things I’ve ever done, but the payoff was really good,” Goliger said.
Having the opportunity to be a part of the Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO) brings Goliger joy and the ability to bring knowledge back to her students.
According to Vincent, while teaching and performing are both very rewarding, they both come at a cost.
“The hard part of being a performing musician and being a teacher is the opposite schedule,” Vincent said. “I’m up by 5:45 for work on school days but weekend nights are late nights. It’s a hard shift coming back on Mondays.”
Goliger shares the struggle of a tightly-packed schedule.
“Time management is a very large part of my life, but [my work with the BSO is] so rewarding,” Goliger said.
Although teaching full time and performing with the BSO can be strenuous, Goliger feeds off of her two passions.
“In the first few years of my teaching, I wasn’t doing any performing myself and it was something that I very much needed to have,” Goliger said. “Teacher Ms. Goliger gets fulfilled by being with the students and teaching. Then there is the performer Ms. Goliger that needs to also be honored.”
Goliger is proud of her accomplishments and values the unique opportunities singing has brought her, such as being chosen to perform the National Anthem at a Red Sox game.
“To be on the field at Fenway and sing in front of 40,000 people while being televised was really cool,” Goliger said.
Having a teacher who is also a performer impacts Vincent’s and Goliger’s teaching methods, as well as their students’ learning.

“I think [teaching and performing] help each other,” Vincent said. “I think I would go crazy if I didn’t have that outlet of performing.”
The teachers’ professional connections can benefit their students. Goliger has had the opportunity to bring the BSO’s world-renowned conductor, James Burton, to class to work with her students.
“I equate it to Tom Brady coming to work with the football team because it’s the same kind of level as the Patriots and the Boston Symphony Orchestra,” Goliger said. “It certainly helps the students.”
Both Vincent and Goliger believe the teacher-performer balancing act is difficult but rewarding and necessary.
“I’m very proud of both of my roles as a teacher and as a performer and seek to be excellent in each area,” Goliger said.