Faculty Friday: Diane DeSantis, Mathematics Department Chair

Natasha Levey, Staff Writer

Q: If you could shape shift into any animal, which one would it be?
A: “A horse, because they run freely.”
Q: What is a song that you currently like?
A: “Firework by Katy Perry because it reminds me of the Patriots winning the Superbowl.”
Q: What did you have for breakfast?
A: “I had an English muffin (cinnamon raisin) with peanut butter.”
Q: Can you describe your favorite outfit?
A: “Umm…pair of jeans, boots, and my favorite Patriots t-shirt.”
Q: Any advice for posterity?
A: “Yes. Don’t lose sight about living your life by working too hard. Its not about making a living, its about living.”