Yes, Valentine’s Day helps relationships flourish

Lila Shields, Assistant Opinion Editor

Valentine’s Day continues to be a holiday that fills stores with vibrant colors and people’s hearts with love. Feb. 14 is a yearly reminder to spread kindness and appreciate loved ones. However, this bliss perspective is not everyone’s view.

One in four Americans dismiss this holiday as ‘full of love’ for various reasons including increased pressure on spending money and on relationships; this holiday is not meant to be filled with stress and can be approached in a more light-hearted way in order to prevent anxiety. Relationships are all about approaching difficult situations and tackling them together—if Valentine’s Day causes financial stress, this opens up conversations to communicate. 

Additionally, Valentine’s Day isn’t about spending money to buy gifts; instead it is meant to appreciate loved ones. This can be done in various free ways, such as words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service and cards/homemade gifts.

Homemade gifts allow a person to get creative and learn more about their love language as well as their partners. Cards as well are simple gestures that go a long way and reassure loved ones. Both of these gifts can be put together with things around the house yet still maintain the thoughtfulness behind it. 

Healthy relationships vary between person to person and depend on one’s communication style as well as personal preferences. The majority of bumps in any relationship can be resolved through talking to each other which ultimately strengthens the bond, in addition to solving the problem at hand. Expressing your feelings regarding difficult topics with a partner can allow one to learn more about themselves and their relationship. 

 Harvard Medical School dives into how spreading love increases dopamine and energy. Valentine’s day focuses on the importance of caring for one another and reminds people how giving love impacts how you feel positively. 

Showing appreciation and love should, of course, be done throughout the year, but Valentine’s Day reinforces this and reminds people to put effort into their relationships. Individuals at times are too wrapped up in their own stress which causes them to forget the importance of valuing loved ones. Valentine’s Day provides a chance to honor your significant other and other loved ones which is beneficial for all.