Junior Wednesday: Dan Greene

Max Donahue, Staff Writer

Q: Of the four terms at Algonquin, in which do you get the best grades? The worst?

A: “Second is probably the worst, fourth is definitely the best.”

Q: Do you prefer to have many snow days during the year, or get out early for summer vacation?

A: “Get out early, the snow days aren’t worth it.”

Q: Are you excited for your junior prom? Why or why not?

A: “So pumped. It’s gonna be awesome, especially since I’m on junior steering committee.”

Q: Favorite class at Algonquin?

A: “APUSH (AP U.S. History). Even though it was really hard last year, I really enjoyed it.”

Q: Would you rather dress up or go casual?

A: “Dress up, I guess. I like dressing fancier.”