Coldwell strives to be voice for students as Senior Class President

Anna Bellville

Senior class president Sarah Coldwell sits on a desk during a Senior Steering Committee meeting listening to her peers share their opinions on new ideas.

Lili Torres, Staff Writer

Senior class president Sarah Coldwell is working to lead her class to success in her final year in school government.

During her freshman year, Coldwell went to her first steering committee meeting as she searched for a way to make a difference in the world around her. This led her to become passionate about student government and she continued to participate at varying capacities all four years.  First as a student council representative and later as student council secretary her junior year, Coldwell takes pride in the impact she has helped make, such as working to get gender neutral bathrooms at ARHS last year. 

“[Student government] gave me that place to make a difference at school,” Coldwell said. 

Coldwell prides herself on representing her peers and working as a team with her fellow Steering Committee members, who meet Thursdays in G112, as she leads the class.

“It’s great to be able to be a voice for so many students,” Coldwell said. “I am proud of the difference I’m trying to make.”

Her past experience in student government has taught her a lot about being a leader and representing the student body. Having to put aside her own beliefs to listen to others’ opinions and thoughts, Coldwell tries to keep the majority of the student population happy.

“I will definitely, this year, focus on trying to remain [a] neutral party and be a voice for students; because I might have my own opinions, but at the same time I’m supposed to represent the people at our school and what they care about,” Coldwell said.

Senior class adviser Kerriann Lessard admires Coldwell’s organization and hard work. Lessard is glad this year is different compared to the past few years, as COVID-19 impacted the school’s ability to hold events and activities. They recently held a hypnotist show, as a way to allow students to have fun together and de-stress, after the isolating nature of the pandemic. 

“She’s thinking a lot about how to make our last school year here a successful one and an enjoyable one,” Lessard said.

Coldwell and the steering committee are excited to plan the Senior Ball and a possible movie night. 

“We’re at the point where we want to look to the student body and see what they want and what they’re interested in having this year,” Coldwell said. “[Planning] events and bringing the school together is a driving factor in our decisions this year.”

Coldwell, who was recently one of six students from around the state who was honored with an Equity Award for her work in the community and with Student Council, encourages all students to get involved with student government. From completing the surveys the steering committee occasionally sends out, to going to the steering meetings and running for an elected position, there are many ways to share ideas and make differences in the school.

“Steering is a great place for everybody to get their voice heard, not just elected positions,” Coldwell said.