Senior Reflection: Would I redo my high school experience?

Juliette Piovoso, Assistant Opinion Editor

I have, and probably always will be, in a rush—in a rush to get places and to get things done. But, I quickly deciphered that high school is not something “you get done.” It is not something you rush, but something you enjoy, because unlike other endeavors in life that invite multiple do-overs, high school does not. 

Can I get a few “alterations,” though? 

If I were to alter one facet of my high school career, I would remind myself to slow down. You have time. In this remodeling of my experience, I would indulge in one of the photography classes. I would sign up for the cooking elective, and also stick my head into a ceramics class. I learned the hard way that worrying about the future too far in advance will only make you miss out on the most enjoyable parts of school. 

Coming into my first years of high school, I had the mindset that my classes would be a breeze. Although no “alterations” can be suggested here, as the rigor of my classes is what I believe will prepare me for my college experience, I do have one easy “snip.” Snip the pride. 

Asking teachers for help? Absolutely not; I know what I am doing. Coming in early to school for extra assistance on the material? What’s that? Pleading with your teacher to give you an extra credit assignment to increase your grade by .3%? Please, that’s just stupid and embarrassing. 

Now, as I depart from this school after four years, I have a different mindset—do what you have to do. Having preconceived notions or expectations about school is a fatal pitfall. 

If pestering your teacher every day about the new math equation you just can’t seem to understand until you get it ultimately helps you learn, do it. 

As senior year comes to an end, I ask myself one question: would I redo my high school experience? The short answer is no. 

Despite the many struggles that briefly knocked me down, I’ve made memories that will forever encapsulate what it means to be a teenager, and I’ve befriended people who will undoubtedly be in my life for years to come. The bumps and readjustments are inevitable. Anything short of not embracing them and learning from my experiences would be a disservice to the person I’m meant to become.