Senior Reflection: The Importance of Phases

Juan Benatuil, Contributing Writer

Throughout my high school years, I went through many changes as I was put into new atmospheres with new people. During these changes, I was always told by my peers or parents that I was just going through a “phase” and that I would figure my way out soon. 

I reflect on these so-called “phases,” the times when I was highly social, the times when I only wanted to be around my family or the times when I just wanted to be alone. In retrospect, I don’t see them as something I needed to “figure my way out” from; instead, I see them as moments of growth that shaped who I am. 

Let’s look at my sophomore year. This was the most open book I have ever been; I associated with every person that crossed my path. Suddenly, the COVID pandemic hit, and I switched from being a “people person” to someone who did not want to constantly associate with people from school. In the eyes of my parents, this was something that they thought I would grow out of, but it turns out that I never did. 

Looking back on it, I am grateful to have been such an open individual at the beginning of high school. I got to meet incredible people that I used to be unfamiliar with; however, taking that time to myself during lockdown was the best thing that could have happened to me. I got to find who I was as a person, and determine who the people I wanted to surround myself with were. 

In the end, it worked out because those people I did surround myself with ended up being my best friends for all four years. My main point in writing this is to let underclassmen know that it is okay to be going through changes, both socially and emotionally, because there is always a greater outcome. 

As I write this, reminiscing on my high school experience, all I can think about is how I am going to take my target out in Senior Assassin. We can consider that my phase right now. 

My four years at Algonquin were the most memorable years of my life so far, but what I will never forget is how much I have grown. Without each of the “phases,” I would never be the strong person I am proud to be today.