Seniors create club to increase fashion fluency

Gwen McDougall

Fashion Club President and senior Max Hanna (left) poses with Vice President and senior Lauren Caffrey (right) in front of their thrift store set-up on Tuesday, Dec. 7.

Maggie Fitzgerald, Staff Writer

With senior Lauren Caffrey’s spunky style and senior Max Hanna’s preppy style, the two students have brought their love of fashion to Algonquin through a fun and interactive Fashion Club. 

Last year, Caffrey and Hanna noticed many students gaining interest in fashion, so they decided to start a club similar to the one senior Amanda Linh created during her freshman year.

“Max and I were in the car,” Caffrey said. “He brought up a Fashion Club and [said] that we should start one, and I agreed.” 

With limitations due to the pandemic, last year’s club was more focused on creating little projects during meetings, like crafting Pinterest boards or discussing past trends. 

One of Caffrey’s personal favorite projects from last year was recreating items she had seen online.

“I had seen fluffy, animal print bags all over Instagram selling for $40 to $60, so I went to the fabric store and bought some clearance fabric,” Caffrey said. “I ended up making multiple bags for about six dollars.”

Now that some of the COVID limitations are gone, Caffrey and Hanna look forward to expanding to more hands-on meetings with new projects that appreciate how fashion has evolved. 

“Our goal for this year is to make projects based on historical trends,” Caffrey said.

Besides organizing projects, they hope to delve into the fashion industry and possible careers as a whole, such as modeling and fashion design.

“I have a few friends who are designers in Boston, so I would like to have a Zoom call with them for students that are interested in a career in the fashion industry,” Hanna said.

The Fashion Club assists with multiple events throughout the year, with one of the largest being the prom fashion show.

“Some people from our club will be modeling the dresses, and we will be picking some out,” Caffrey said. “[The show] is a really great event for students to get prepared for prom.”

The Fashion Club has started meeting in room H109 every other Thursday. Additionally, the club hosted a pop-up thrift shop on Monday, Nov. 22 and Tuesday, Nov. 23 during all three lunches and after school. 

Caffrey and Hanna are both looking forward to meeting new members as well as increasing Algonquin’s focus on fashion.


Updated on Nov. 30, 2021: The origins of the first Fashion Club were listed incorrectly in the original publication. Senior Amanda Linh created the first Fashion Club during her freshman year.

Updated on Dec. 8, 2021: The Harbinger accidentally published a photo of the Senior Steering Committee with this article. The photo has been replaced with the correct image.