Swim teams finish season undefeated
In between heats, swimmers stay warm by doing practice drills such as this one during the February 5 meet.
February 20, 2021
The Algonquin boys’ and girls’ swim teams won their final meet on Thursday, February 11 with a 133-37 victory over Nashoba, and finished their season undefeated, with a perfect 5-0 record.
There were 8 total teams in their pod. However, the swim team, coached by Jean Fedak, only swam against 5 due to COVID-19 restrictions. Despite this, they had a number of stand out performers throughout the season. According to Fedak, some notable swimmers from their final meet against Nashoba were: junior Coleman Hostage, senior captain Will Saulnier, senior captain Brandon Saulnier, junior Robert Hurley, senior Haley Rybarczyk, junior Leona Sungkharom and junior Monica Doherty.
“I feel happy with the success of the team, but I am also very sad to leave such a great team and family,” senior captain Molly Callaghan said. “I’m never going to forget about this team.”
Because of COVID protocols, the team had less time to prepare for meets. Instead of using the whole pool, the swim team was permitted to use only a couple of lanes. The teams in the pod were unable to physically meet in one pool to race, so the coaches and their staff would record the swimming times and compare times with the opposing team. They were also not able to dive due to there being no diving board to practice on. However, Fedak felt extremely proud of the team.
“They were brave, courageous kids to come out for a winter sport indoors during a pandemic,” Fedak said. “And then to have all of these new protocols thrown at them, and for them to take it all in stride, to me, was remarkable.”
The swim team consisted of 15 graduating seniors, who all swam their last meet for Algonquin on Thursday. Many of the swimmers were saddened by the fact that the current team would never swim together again.
“I think as a team we’ve formed a lot of fun memories with each other,” Brandon Saulnier said. “So I’m sad to see it go so soon.”
Although a majority of the team is leaving, the seniors felt that the future of the swim team was in good hands.
“15 out of 26 members of the team are seniors. With over half the team graduating, there is definitely a concern about the team’s future,” Will Saulnier said. “However, I have a lot of faith in the remaining members of the team. They are all extremely talented, even the new freshmen. I hope that more people will be able to join, so that the team can continue to thrive.”
Although COVID had an impact on their final season, the senior captains will leave the team with their heads held high, proud of their accomplishments.
“Out of all the Algonquin sports I have done, the Algonquin swim team, everyone there is so sweet, kind and supportive of each other,” senior captain Anna Roumiantsev said. “It’s such a family type of community through all of the swim teams I’ve been a part of since freshman year. And even though there are always new people joining every single year, and it’s different people, the group is such a family.”