Algonquin from Above

Jared Woislaw, Editorial Board

The Northborough Cable Access Television station acquired a drone to film community and school events. The drone has started filming events and the Business Research class plans on utilizing it.

The drone is white, roughly two feet by two feet, four rotors and a camera mounted on the bottom. The drone takes off vertically, similar to a helicopter, and it is capable of reaching an elevation of 400 to 500 feet and staying there for 20 minutes.

“With the drone its a different view, they are fun you can get cool shots with them,” drone pilot Mike Davis said.

The drone will primarily be used for community events, but is available for school use.

“The drone is available for the community, school, and emergency services if need be,” cable access station manager Kathy Dalgliesh said.

A group in Mrs. Riley’s fifth period Business Research class will be using the drone in their upcoming video project.

“We’re losing more incoming freshmen to private schools every year. Our goal is to promote public education by creating a video of Algonquin in everyday life,” senior group member Jake Briggs said.

They will be using a variety of shots, from handheld cameras as well as the drone.

“We are looking to capture the real casual moments that define Algonquin,” senior group member Domenic Cianci said.

The group will be visiting clubs, sporting events, and community events to capture the spirit of Algonquin.

“We want to show everyone what a well-rounded school Algonquin is,” senior group member Nicolette San Clemente said.