Yes, the Affordable Care Act should be repealed

Brady Quinlan, Staff Writer

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) had many flaws at its inception. While some of these have since been resolved, the law still has a multitude of issues.

The ACA (otherwise known as Obamacare) was passed in 2010 and was created to provide access to healthcare for millions of uninsured Americans. The law did its job and provided over 20 million previously uninsured people with healthcare coverage. However, this large scale overhaul of the healthcare system came at a cost.

When the ACA first was signed into law, people could be fined for not having insurance. Many people, including myself, believe it is wrong for the government to levy fines on those who don’t have healthcare insurance. Adults who chose to not get health insurance could be fined either $695 or 2% of their yearly income (whichever was greater), and an additional $347.50 for children. This issue was resolved by the Trump Administration’s revised plan which became law in 2019, and it is no longer a concern.

Another issue that arose with the ACA was a rise in premiums for those who already had coverage. When the law passed, insurance companies were required to provide a wide range of benefits to those with preexisting conditions. As a result of this change, prices rose for those who already had private insurance.  As a consequence, many employers were forced to downsize their workforce and reduced employee benefits to compensate for the premiums imposed on private companies. 

For those who needed the benefits of the ACA, the process of applying for and receiving healthcare was anything but easy. Many people struggled with the long waits and confusing application process. 

A 2013 report by the  Washington Post indicated these problems: “Things like error messages, the website timing out or difficulty logging into an account…They are the reason why some people have made upward of 20 attempts at purchasing a plan.” 

With these types of recurring problems, it would take years for the government to catch up to the realities of executing the ACA as advertised.

When looking at the ACA, one must view the realities of what seems to inevitably happen when a government entity manages massive organizations that should be privatized. For example, take a look at the USPS, a government-run organization, that is all but bankrupt. And then take a look at private alternatives such as FedEx who are thriving. 

Fast forward and compare our private health care system to socialist models worldwide. The USA is the best place to be in the world when it comes to healthcare. Just ask our neighbors across the pond where they would go if you needed a life or death procedure. The Affordable Care Act is a quantum leap towards a socialist society.

Ultimately we still have to question the real accomplishments of the ACA. Are our hospitals less crowded? Are the costs from the legal impact of punitive damages any better? Will our country really benefit from adopting the socialist model seen in countries like England? The USA needs to keep the government out of the private sector.