SENIOR ATHLETE REFLECTION: Girls’ rugby seniors reminisce about previous seasons

Submitted Jeff Slovin

Senior Lauren Robert jukes out her opponent and runs toward the try zone.

This interview was done remotely due to COVID-19 precautions.

Because of the cancellation of the 2020 spring sports season, senior athletes reflected on the best moments from their time playing their sport at Algonquin.

Lauren Robert:

What are you most proud of from your time playing rugby at Algonquin?

“I was most proud when I earned player of the game after a home game sophomore year against Needham because I felt like I had played very well after that game.”

What will you miss most from playing rugby at Algonquin?

“I will miss the support of my teammates, especially after getting injured. I have met and formed friendships with people I probably wouldn’t have if I didn’t decide to play rugby.”

What is your favorite memory of rugby at Algonquin?

“My favorite memory would include the bus rides to and from the games and the team playing in the state championship game when I was a freshman.”

As she runs down the field, senior Kailey Carleton steals the ball from her opponent in a game against Weymouth. (Submitted Jeff Slovin)


Kailey Carleton:

What are you most proud of from your time playing rugby at Algonquin?

“Getting the opportunity to be captain.”

What will you miss most from playing rugby at Algonquin?

“Being able to better my skills in practice and on the field and having amazing coaches that taught me these skills while being able to teach and show others.” 

What is your favorite memory of rugby at Algonquin?

“No matter if we won or lost our bus ride jams were so full of pride and compassion for our team, there was never a dull moment.”


Katherine Feeney:

What are you most proud of from your time playing rugby at Algonquin?

“I am most proud of my development as a rugby player. I had never played a sport at Algonquin before rugby and I was very nervous to join the team. My first season I was hesitant and was not confident in my playing ability. With the help of my teammates and Coach Philbin during my three seasons, I began to grow confident in my skills and wasn’t afraid to take risks playing the sport.”

What will you miss most from playing rugby at Algonquin?

“I will definitely miss the bond between my teammates and I the most. I grew extremely close to girls from all different classes at Algonquin and I felt as if I had a second family each season. The team will always be my family and I will miss them and my coaches dearly.”

What is your favorite memory of rugby at Algonquin?

“My favorite memory of rugby at Algonquin has to be right after we would get off the pitch. I had so much adrenaline from playing so I loved to talk to my teammates about the game. I also enjoyed talking to the girls from the team we played against. I felt so great after the games and was proud of my team no matter what the outcome was.”


Jordan Manousos:

In an out of bounds play, senior Jordan Manousos throws an overhead pass to her teammate. (Submitted Jordan Manousos)

What are you most proud of from your time playing rugby at Algonquin?

“I think just picking up the sport and sticking with it in general. As a freshman, I wanted to try something new and I had no idea what rugby was but I figured I’d give it a try. As it turns out, being on the rugby team has given me so many unforgettable lessons and memories.”

What will you miss most from playing rugby at Algonquin?

“I will definitely miss Coach Philbin the most. She spends so much time and effort helping us improve ourselves in all aspects, and I’ll miss having her as a strong support system; she did everything from pushing me to do my absolute best to cheering me on both on and off the field. She isn’t just a coach, but a friend.”

What is your favorite memory of rugby at Algonquin?

“My favorite memory of rugby is really just all of our practices; they were the perfect combination of hard, focused work and fun! There wasn’t a single practice where I didn’t laugh until my stomach hurt.”


Senior Sophia Mihalek moves with the ball away from a tackle in a home game. (Submitted Jeff Slovin)

Sophia Mihalek:

What are you most proud of from your time playing rugby at Algonquin?

From my time playing rugby, I am most proud of my personal improvement and understanding of the game.”

What will you miss most from playing rugby at Algonquin?

I will miss most playing with an amazing team and the pizza sharing/ team bonding after games with the opposing team.”

What is your favorite memory of rugby at Algonquin?

My favorite memory is from my first game my freshman year, where I started, played my best, and ate way too much pizza afterwards on the bus home.”


Rachel Sampaio:

With her eye on the ball, senior Rachel Sampaio is tackled from behind by her opponent in a home game. (Submitted Jeff Slovin)

What are you most proud of from your time playing rugby at Algonquin?

“I am most proud of the second family that I have created during my four years playing.”

What will you miss most from playing rugby at Algonquin?

“I will most miss the girls that I love and teaching new people how to play and how to enjoy getting hit.”
What is your favorite memory of rugby at Algonquin?

“My favorite memory of Algonquin rugby is making my very first try and that feeling of overwhelming joy that the whole team felt.” 

Girls’ rugby seniors that The Harbinger was unable to contact: 

Fernanda Chavez

Victoria Haskins

Livie Lamy