Melissa Dai, Assistant News Editor
March 30, 2020
This interview was conducted remotely due to COVID-19 precautions.
What have you enjoyed most about COVID-19 precautions and social distancing?
“Free time! It’s a small luxury, but I’m holding onto it; I finally have time to read, workout and run.”
What is the worst part of COVID-19 precautions and social distancing?
“I would say that being confined to a single space has been somewhat challenging, but I try my best to keep busy. Social distancing hasn’t been too hard as I’m talking with my close friends daily.”
How have you been keeping yourself busy?
“I complete all of the assignments that my teachers post. After that, I use my free time to workout, pamper myself, read and watch Disney +.”
What predictions, hopes or fears do you have?
“I definitely think that school will not be opening anytime soon due to the rapid spread of COVID-19. We will most likely follow suit of several other states and transition into some sort of online learning.”
What’s a good movie or TV show to watch during quarantine?
“I highly recommend the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. They’re long, but they’re also really good, so they make a great choice if you are looking to kill time during quarantine.”