One School One Book event announced

Samya Massoud, Editorial Board

The One School One Book committee has scheduled this year’s school-wide event for Monday, September 22nd. The event will cover Neal Shusterman’s Unwind.

The first activity will include the whole school, which will start within each homeroom during an extended homeroom period.

“We will be doing ‘rewinding’, which is the reverse process of unwinding. Each homeroom of each department is going to be assigned a body part, then they’re going to connect those parts to create a figure,” committee head Lohitha Madhireddy said.

“There’s also a potential for one guest speaker to visit us. She is from the New England Organ Bank, and is on the ethics committee, so she helps make the laws and policies for organ transplants,” English teacher and Department Head Jane Betar said.

Not only will the potential speaker be able to provide factual knowledge on the topic, but also personal experience.

“She is also a kidney recipient, and will talk about the science behind her transplant,” Madhireddy said.

The second activity will be optional for students; the assembly will be open to anyone who chooses to take part in it.

“We’re working towards having people in science classes, or people who choose to sign up, to view this assembly. Those who don’t choose to view the assembly will be working on the second activity in their homerooms,” Betar said.

Because this event will take place during an extended homeroom period, all of the classes afterwards will be shortened.

“Having an extended homeroom would be appropriate for this, since the students will still be able to see the classes they’re supposed to see that day, just for a shorter amount of time,” Betar said.