Sophomore Tuesday: Eva Naik

Henry Zhang, Staff Writer

Do you put milk first or cereal?

“I put cereal first, though I don’t eat cereal in the morning very much.”

What’s your favorite season?

“I like fall the best, right before it gets too cold but it’s not super hot.”
What’s your favorite food from Walmart?
“Sunchips? Those are very good. I like those.”
What do you want to do in life?
“I want to be happy. No matter where I am in my life, I want to be content, and I want to feel at peace. Even if I’m not super successful, I want to be happy with what I’ve accomplished and my life situation.”
What’s one thing you want to announce to the world before you die?
“You do you. It’s ok to be different and be accepting because people who do different things and think different things can overall help you understand new concepts.”