Girls’, boys’ ski races strong in warmer weather, fog

Utzschneider sisters have strong showing

Jonny Ratner

As she finishes her run, senior Hannah Grimm begins to slow down in a meet against multiple other schools at Ski Ward on Feb. 6. Girls’ ski remained undefeated and finished the season with a record of 32-0.

Liza Armstrong, Online Editor

With limited visibility, the girls’ and boys’ alpine ski teams finished first and fifth respectively at a Ski Ward league slalom race on Thursday, Feb. 6.

Slalom ski racing requires skiers to ski between gates, and due to the foggy conditions that night, it was incredibly hard for the racers to see. According to senior captain Rudy Utzschneider, the team has also been practicing on ice, so the warmer weather causes them to make adjustments to ski on mainly snow. 

“It was actually quite funny at the top because normally we cheer for each other and we were calling people out by the wrong names,” Rudy Utzschneider said. 

Sophomore Mina Utzschneider also said that the snow created ruts, or little tunnels formed when large amounts of snow is pushed to the side, which slowed her down. 

However, despite these setbacks, the Utzschenider sisters, freshman Jula, sophomore Mina and senior captain Rudy all counted for varsity, helping the team secure their first place win. Rudy Utzschneider and Mina Utzschneider individually finished in the top 10. 

  “It’s definitely very exciting that we’re all racing together especially because this is the only year we are all in high school together and it makes it even better that we are able to contribute to the team,” Mina Utzschneider said.

Despite a rough race for the boys, who finished fifth, both teams are ready to bounce back in the postseason. 

“We’ve got a lot of kids set up for States now and alternates by the looks of it so I’m quite excited for the postseason,” Rudy Utzschneider said.