Q&A: Senior finds success with Soundcloud songs


Photo Jason Michalik

Senior Karmyn Shreeve has been making music since she was little. She has recently started uploading her songs to Soundcloud.

Jason Michalik, Staff Writer

Senior Karmyn Shreeve has been producing music on SoundCloud with her most recent track “Successful” which dropped on Sept. 21.  

When did you start making your own music?

“When I was in elementary school, I used to write songs, play them on guitar, record them on the family laptop and then I would burn them onto a blank CD and make my own album cover, print it out and put it in a CD case.  I lost them; I’m so sad.”

Who is your biggest inspiration?

“Mostly just inspiration from my own life and random things.”

What is your favorite and least favorite genre?

“Least favorite would be heavy metal. That’s just a bunch of screaming. My favorite would be anything R&B or vibey music.  I like music that has intense vocal parts because there’s some music where the vocal part is buried under the instrumental part.” 

What is your favorite band at the moment?  Artist?

“Band?  Queen. I’d say my favorite artist is Billie Eilish.”

Is SoundCloud easy to work with?

“Yes, very. I can upload a song in about 6 minutes.”

When and where is your next performance?

“I don’t really perform, but I really want to get into it.”  

Do you see yourself going to school for music performance?  

“That’s what I’m planning to do.  I’m planning to do vocal performance or songwriting.”  

Any school in particular?

“Berklee, of course, if I can get in.”

Do you plan on making more music in the future?

“Nothing set in stone yet, but I’m always open to collaboration.”