Stop spreading rumors, instead tell your own stories

Lindsey Rodman

Staff writer Lindsey Stone writes that rumors only cause pain, so people should tell their own stories instead.

Lindsey Stone, Staff Writer

“This guy threw up at the soccer game yesterday.”

“I heard that so and so hooked up last night.”

“She’s on her period; just ignore her.”

“He’s gay.”

Rumors like these have been spread numerous times this year and have caused pain or discomfort for students in our school. Whether or not these stories were correct, they were told without any known authority for their truth and cause pain to kids where there was no need to.

Our school feeds on rumors. Just a walk down the hallway and so many stories can be heard about him at a party or her attitude towards this. Not many would think that someone being talked about is now crying in the bathroom or feeling hate because of something they never did.

We all know high school is no walk in the park, so why make it harder on ourselves by telling these lies about each other?

I know we may gain pleasure from others’ pain and embarrassment, and I understand that many of us can easily get sucked into the drama and gossip. However, not enough of us stop to think how hurtful theses actions may be.  

Rumors may seem innocent. They are such little lies that we think we can just brush them off. Now, I am not saying I have never helped spread rumors. In fact, I have been part of many either through friends or because I was just trying to fit in. But the more I think about this subject the more I realize that the gossip and rumors aren’t helping anyone.

In the end, rumors are just simply lies. We may think they are true, but if we have no evidence of that, then it is unfair to the people being told and the person it’s about, to tell it.

I understand that these rumors can make a pretty good story; and who doesn’t want something to talk about to that new crush you have in history class or that group of friends you’ve been trying to get close with?

But these “stories” aren’t ours to tell.

Now, I’m not saying to go around and get written evidence of what everyone has done. But if you hear or have told a rumor, I suggest going to the person it’s about and simply talking to them about what you heard. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to them, then you definitely don’t have the right to talk to someone else about it.

It is also better to believe the person who the rumor is about because even if that person is lying to you, at least it was their decision to tell a lie about themselves and not someone else’s.

Another way to avoid telling rumors about other people is to just simply tell your own story. We all have unique lives and if you’re talking with someone they probably want to learn more about you than other people.

Not every rumor causes pain to someone. Some might be a story or a painful trait and others might just become a harmless idea that doesn’t hurt anyone. My hope is the ones that do cause pain will stop being told and stop hurting people for no reason.

I urge people to become more aware of what they say and think about how a little word or story can affect someone. That little change in thought can make our school and community a better place.