Q&A: Galvin joins math department

Rebecca Poretsky

Math teacher Patrick Galvin recently joined the Algonquin community, hoping to make a positive contribution in his department.

Clarissa Wong, Profile Editor

Where have you taught in the past?
“I taught for two years up in New Hampshire and four years in Connecticut.”

What do you like about teaching?
“I love having new experiences every day. A bunch of personalities come into a class, and every day it’s fresh and new and different.”

Why do you like teaching math specifically?
“It’s a little more black and white. You can always justify your reasoning and your thoughts. You can prove something, and there are multiple ways to do it. You can follow someone’s logic to get to an end result.”

Why did you choose to work at Algonquin?
“I grew up in Central Massachusetts and I knew Algonquin was one of the stronger schools in the area and I wanted to be a part of and contribute to a very good school district.”

What’s one of the most positive experiences you’ve had in the last three months?
“I think just the transitional role of the students in all of my classes was very open and receptive to me teaching, and for the most part them willing to learn and put effort in and outside of class.”

What do you hope to learn as a teacher in the future?
“How to continue to differentiate my lessons to be able to connect and reach out to students who might not pick up on things as easily.”