Freedom of expression needs support in schools

Dear Harbinger Staff,

The amendment of freedom of expression seems very simple until it is brought to school grounds; this is when it becomes unclear and controversial to all. I feel anyone should be able to wear what they want, such as logos that may be a part of Trump’s campaign or Hillary’s. Although many are on one side, no one should offend the other side or question why they support that side because it simply is not anyone’s business and people should not take offense to clothing that supports a particular side.

I agree with what Anna Silver wrote in the article “Political clothing represents freedom of expression” and I have a personal experience with this subject. I once wore a “Make America Great Again” hat and experienced dozens of unforgettable looks and snarky comments for simply wearing Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. Not one person knew my thoughts on Trump’s actions; they assumed I was most likely racist and/or supported his views on immigrants and the LGBT community.


Grace Venie

Class of 2017