EDITORIAL: It’s time to cut the cord

Parents: step back and let your kids grow

Growing up is tough; everyone can benefit from a protector of some sort to keep them in line prior to adulthood. Whether it be a parent or legal guardian, those of us who have a watchful eye in our lives should remember how lucky we are. That being said, sometimes these authority figures take too firm of a grip on their child’s life. A nurturing yet unyielding guardian is essential to child development, but parental intervention can quickly become overpowering. High school is a time for kids to explore their independence and liberties; it is something they must explore on their own. The line between just enough and too much parental support can make or break a child’s high school experience.

Overbearing parental intervention can come in many forms, whether it be social or educational pressures. In order to grow to the best of their ability, students must be self-sufficient. Students must experience new social situations and endure new educational stresses throughout high school, and these experiences cannot help students learn if parents are too controlling. Parents need to be there to support their kids, but they shouldn’t influence their development to an extent where kids don’t have a defined grasp on their identities and abilities.

These strict forms of parenting can end up harming students by sending them off to college without fully preparing them to be on their own. Without sufficient independence, students fail to learn fundamental lessons about who they are and cannot develop essential understandings about survival.

While overprotective parenting can lead to the child having a weak sense of self, parenting that is too relaxed can produce children who are ill-equipped to handle everyday life as an adult. If a parent allows the child to ditch chores, they deprive them of important lessons that will prove vital once the child moves out of the house.

Although parental pressures can be useful to keep kids in line, there is a difference between helpful and hindering parenting of high schoolers. And in order for students to learn and ease themselves into adulthood after high school, it is necessary to respect elders, but conversely, for the elders to respect the students.

The unsigned editorial reflects the views of the Editorial Board.