Giegucz brings love for food to Culinary class


Culinary Arts teacher Zbysia Giegucz poses in her classroom.

Asma Ali, Staff Writer

Culinary Arts teacher Zbysia Giegucz has loads of experience in the field, and this year, she’s bringing her expertise to the classroom.

“I used to work in the food industry before this, and I work in catering,” Gegucz said.

Before working at Algonquin as a Culinary Arts and Senior Survival teacher, she worked as a Special Education teacher. Previously, she also taught fifth grade.

Since Gegucz also teaches a section of a Senior Survival class, she doesn’t work with food all throughout the school day. However, Culinary Arts is her favorite class, due to her hobby. Gegucz has enjoyed her year so far at Algonquin.

“I like the fact that I’ve been able to meet new kids,” Gegucz said. “I’ve been able to take the kids to the garden.”

The garden is a major component of the Culinary Arts class. The students pick fresh vegetables such as zucchinis and tomatoes and use them in their cooking. A variety of foods are made in the class.

“We’ve made pretzels and carrot zucchini muffins, and we’re gonna be making cinnabons, pizza, and pasta,” Gegucz said.

For Gegucz, teaching her class is fun. Gegucz has always cooked at home, and she loves doing it.

“We usually don’t go out to eat,” Gegucz said. “I like my food.”