Anatomy and Physiology students dissect cow eyeballs

Susan Vaughan’s period one class applies their knowledge in their second dissection of the course

Brooke Suitum, Staff member

The eyeballs arrived in a bag for each pair of students to dissect.
Students used tools such as scissors, pokers, and scalpels to explore the different parts and layers of the cow eyeball.
Senior Krista Leach peels back a layer of fat in preparation to slice into the cornea of the cow.
In disgust, senior Brooke Goguen makes an incision into the animal’s eyeball as liquids begin to ooze out.
Both seniors, Dana Fishman holds up the eyeball as Carolyn Cohen laughs on.
Goggles, modeled by senior Alyssa Dorsey, are a must-have in these Human Anatomy & Physiology labs so nothing squirts into students’ eyes.
Seniors Nicole Santamaria and Elyssa Nicholas try to locate the three layers off the cow’s eye.
While some are grossed out, senior Krista Leach takes a moment to hold up the eye with a smile.
Looking closely, seniors Dustin Hartnett and Ben Thorup attempt to locate the lens, cornea, and the optic nerve.
With gloves, junior Nick Canzoneri makes a cut into the cornea to expose the aqueous humor liquid.