Senior Thursday: Sariah Roberts

Julie Rogers, Staff Writer

What was your favorite childhood Halloween costume?

“One year, my mom and I decided to get creative and I went as a girl in a bathtub. There was this big hoop around me, attached to the shoulders, and we put little pearl balloons in there to look like bubbles, and I wore a shower cap, and my swim suit. It was really funny. And we had a shower head coming out, and there was a sheet around it.”


Haunted houses or haunted mazes?

“I’m not a big fan of either. I went on one that was kind of a combination of both, and that was kind of cool. It was like a maze in a house, so that was fun.”


When you trick or treated as a kid, would you use the pillowcase method or the bucket?

“Pillowcase, obviously. You get more candy.”


Will you be dressing up this year? What will you be going as?

“I’m totally dressing up and and I’m gonna be Mia Thermopolis from Princess Diaries.”


Favorite Halloween candy?

“I really like the jawbreakers you only see really around Halloween.”