Junior Wednesday: Andrew Hartnett

Drew Despres, Staff Writer

What are you most looking forward to about your junior year?

“Probably meeting new people and taking new classes.”


Is there a quirk about you that people don’t know?

“I cannot breathe out of my left nostril.”


If you could give any advice to a freshman, what would you say?

“Study hard and don’t slack off because that just leads to nothing. You don’t want to end up in your junior year and have to overcompensate with your classes because you were doing bad.”


What does being part of a fan section like Algonquin’s mean to you?

“I went to my first football game last Friday and it was super amped up and exciting. There was so much school spirit.”


What are you most looking forward to for the winter?

“Staying inside and curling up by the fire with a nice cup of hot cocoa.”