Behind the scenes of Damn Yankees: Stage Manager Danny St. Germain


Q: What is the role of the stage manager?


A: The role of stage manager is pretty much dedicated to all of the logistics and behind the scene work of the show. We make sure the cast knows where they need to be, when they need to be there, and, during the show, what to do in the meantime; as well as helping out with lines, lighting, sounds, and set work.

Q: How much time per week do you spend on it?

A: Time with the show varies. When rehearsals first started we were there around the same amount of time as the cast. We came in for pretty much every rehearsal, three hours each. Recently though, as the show draws nearer, we’ve been spending a lot more time. I personally have had to stay anywhere from one to three hours after rehearsal for the cast has already ended to tighten up the schedule.

Q: How many people are a part of your crew? What are their roles?

A: We have two stage managers for this show, Tori Zieminski and myself. This show is interesting with regards to stage crew; a large portion of the cast, namely those on the baseball/football/soccer teams are going to act as our stage crew, moving the set on and off the stage. It’s exciting to see.

Q: Have you been a part of the stage crew before?

A: Way back when I was freshman, I was in Alera’s spring play, The Adding Machine, as both a speaking role and part of the stage crew, which was a lot of fun. The following year’s musical, Pippin! took me in as an ensemble member and part of the stage crew. Finally, just last year I joined Bye Bye Birdie when they needed some more help with stage crew. Patrick Lachance was the stage manager when I was a freshman, and Katie Pyne was stage manager when I was a sophomore and junior.

Q: What is your role during the show?

A: My role during the actual shows, on December 5, 6, and 7, by the way, is to make sure the cast knows when they’re about to go on. Other than that, I’ll be drawing some curtains, moving the set, and making sure there is no noise back stage.

Q: How much does all of the scenery cost?

A: That is an excellent question. To be honest, I haven’t the slightest idea. We generally ask the cast to use clothes they may already have, but to buy clothes if necessary. As far as sets go, we use a good amount of wood and paint, of which the price eludes me.

Q: What made you interested in this?

A: I was originally going to audition for the musical, actually. But I didn’t want to sing and dance, yet still help out. Katie Pyne, the previous stage manager, graduated last year, so I figured Mr. Alera would be looking for a new one, so I decided to step in with Tori.

Q: Do you plan on continuing this in college?

A: I probably would not continue this into college. Theater is fun and all that, but it is not quite for me. That being said, as a hopeful communications major, this experience of managing a large number of people has been extremely insightful and eye-opening.

Q: What are your expectations for this show compared to previous ones?

A: This show should be on everyone’s mind. For the first time in recent memory, we have a cast that is almost 50 percent sports kids. That is awesome. They have such great energy on stage and the entire cast is extremely talented and powerful. Plus, with our cast coming from such varied backgrounds, we should be able to draw in an even larger audience than usual. We’re doing everything we can to give this entire show the atmosphere of the baseball stadium, and it is going to spectacular.