New hashtag seeks school unification

Max Donahue, News Editor

Instructional Technology teacher Julie Doyle and the Students Working to Advance Technology (SWAT) club piloted the #ARHSdaily project on October 5, hoping to gather information about students’ daily lives via social media sharing.
Crowdsourcing is a method of obtaining data from large groups of subjects, most easily done through social media.The project crowdsources by using the hashtag #ARHSdaily on Twitter, collecting data from each of the sources with the tag. After the project is complete, all posts using the tag will be compiled into a video by SWAT and Doyle to tie together all events captured with the tag.
“I’m trying to model things that we could do that are a little different than the normal type of video or presentation,” Doyle said. “Technology is really amazing and crowdsourcing is a really cool way to gather information and create a product.”
Doyle hopes that the project will be widely used among students to create a better portfolio of sources to be used in the final product.
“I hope to have students involved in the creation and the submission and I want it to be the whole Algonquin community creating this,” Doyle said.
In the long run, Doyle hopes the project will teach students the importance of interacting and sharing information with their community.
“I would love to eventually reach out and crowdsource outside of Algonquin’s walls, to have kids feel like they can gather information from all sorts of people,” Doyle said.
The project is currently accepting submissions using #ARHSdaily on twitter, or via email at