New technologies: unnecessary or beneficial?

Shannon Youngberg, Editorial Board

Though the technological advances of our generation don’t include hovercrafts or robot butlers like many would have hoped, we have come a long way in the last twenty years. Apple Inc. alone has revolutionized the way technology works and how we can use it to our advantage. With inventions like the iPhone, the Apple Watch and the recent Apple Pencil, there is no telling what will be next. The point of these gadgets is to make our lives simpler, but some people would argue that they are doing just the opposite.

Much of The Silent Generation and The Baby Boomers have stuck to their old school mindset, making it difficult to adjust to these new devices.While the more recent generations have trouble imagining a world without technology, many of these earlier generations have little interest in incorporating it into their lives. We have all heard the words, “When I was your age…” come from someone followed by an array of phrases indicating the simplicity and candor of their time. Some people even take it upon themselves to enlighten us with the stories of when they didn’t have access to Google and had to *gasp* look something up in a book.

It seems that some even believe that our exposure to technology makes us less capable of doing things on our own. Though it is incorporated into a majority of our daily activities, regular use of technology does not indicate that humans would be absolutely lost without it. Just as it was intended to do, technology has helped to improve the ease with which we live our lives.

When electricity was invented, people didn’t stay in the dark just because it was what they were used to. They adapted to it because it was clear that it was going to improve the way they lived their lives. We need to do the same now; we must step into the light shed by technology and take advantage of the resources it provides us.