Juniors direct new film club

Submitted Hanne Brabander

The ARHS Film Club is led by Juniors Hanne Brabander and Ryan Daloisio and meets every Tuesday. Members of the club watch and discuss movies during meetings.

Alice Galvao, Staff Writer

Juniors Hanne Brabander and Ryan Daloisio share their passion for movies as presidents of ARHS’s first-ever film club. 

Together, Brabander and Daloisio created the film club which serves as a time to watch and discuss movies. The club meets on select Tuesdays in science teacher Nathan Largesse’s classroom, D202. 

Movies play a big role in Brabander’s life, and some of her favorites include “Interstellar,”Fight Club” and “Pride and Prejudice.” 

“My favorite thing about watching movies with people is when you can tell them something they didn’t realize while watching,” Brabander said. 

Daloisio is also passionate about movies. She enjoys having fun and watching movies with her friends, including Brabander. 

“The reason we became friends was that she asked me to go see the new ‘Spider Man’ movie with her,” Daloisio said. 

Daloisio enjoys reading and watching movies and hopes to create her own stories as a script writer one day. 

“I’ve always been a really big reader,” Daloisio said. “I loved movies as a kid and I think it would be really cool to be able to come up with my own stories and share them as a profession.”  

Science teacher Nathan Largesse helped Brabander begin the process of starting the club and eventually became the club adviser. 

“He pulled out a typed list of his favorite movies,” Brabander said. “It was like 10 of his favorite movies and five of them were some of my favorite movies.”

Both Brabander and Daloisio believe the club is like a democracy: every person gets to vote on which movie they should watch rather than the club being led solely by the presidents.

“Everyone votes on everything and we all decide what we get to do together,” Daloisio said. “I like that a lot just because it makes it more fun for everyone involved.” 

Although they have only had one meeting, according to Brabander, it was a successful one. She was nervous that few people would come, but to her surprise around 15 people showed up.  

“I was pretty proud of myself that we got that many people to come,” Brabander said. 

The Film Club plans to show the 2004 movie “Mean Girls,” a film about a clique of girls out to ruin the lives of their high school acquaintances.  

“It’s a very accessible movie; everyone loves ‘Mean Girls,’ Daloisio said.   

To members, the club is a great way to socialize, meet new people and watch great movies. The next meeting is to be determined. 

“It’s a very fun, not a serious environment,” Daloisio said. “We have snacks.”