Former football star returns as Educational Support Professional

Graham Fokema

After pursuing his own dream of playing college football, Educational Support Professional Dallas Mall returns to Algonquin to spend time with kids and encourage them pursue their dreams.

Nathaniel Baez, Staff Writer

Former football star Dallas Mall has returned to  the halls of Algonquin, but this time as an Educational Support Professional (ESP) in the Special Education department, 

Mall works closely with students, assisting those that need a little more help in certain areas to strengthen their ability to do things they normally cannot do on their own.

Before graduating in 2000, Mall excelled at football, gaining a place in the Algonquin Hall of Fame. Later, Mall went on to pursue his education at Worcester Academy and then Bentley College.

During his college career of studying and playing football, Mall greatly appreciated his schedule which allowed him to have the experience of a lifetime. 

“For me, it was very regimented,” Mall said. “There were study halls. The team had their own itinerary. It was very structured, which was good.”

Scoring 78 touchdowns as a college receiver, Mall had an incredibly enjoyable and successful college football career. 

“I currently hold a record [for the] most touchdowns receptions, in college football history,” Mall said. 

Mall even got the chance to try out for the New England Patriots.

“That was a little nerve racking, here’s all your gear, gear up in all their Patriots stuff,” Mall said.

Although he did not make the final cut, Mall’s tryout was memorable, as he beat Randy Moss’ record, making it onto Sports Illustrated and ESPN.

With three kids of his own, Mall enjoys spending time and working with children. He was able to find the right path for himself, a combination of coaching other kids and football, two things he loves. As an ESP, Mall helps kids challenge themselves and pursue their dreams.

“When you’re in the workforce, you want to be doing stuff you like; it makes your work life so much [more] enjoyable,” Mall said.