Pandemic Albums: Conforming to the weight of the pandemic
Rather than buying coffee from a store or making a hasty tumbler of instant coffee, I have the time to make a nice real cup of coffee, iced or hot every now and then. The quality of my meals has increased greatly during these times (when I pull together the effort).
June 17, 2020

I never really noticed when my family got used to our current work situation. A lot of unspoken rules were set. We all know to be silent when walking by the closed doors of where my parents were working. We have a vague set of made-up hand gestures to let others know the nature of our call: muted, unmuted, video on, or video off.
In light of the pandemic, many teenagers, including me, are spending more time in the kitchen. Being stuck in the house all day obviously limited the activities possible to a very small scope, but immediately, social media influencers took hold of the situation.

Whether its Tik Tok, Youtube, or Instagram, cooking, baking, or drink-making videos have gone viral. I see my friends and other people from school posting their attempts at trends like Dalgona coffee and souffle pancakes on social media. In search of something to end our boredom, the pandemic has sent us to the most unexpected place in our houses: our kitchens.
You can now spend time doing crazy things with our pets or focus on that old garden your parents used to use in the yard. Go on bike rides or runs for a change of environment.

Although most of us are still adapting, it has amazed me how the world is managing to conform to the weight of the pandemic on everything. It’s in these times that we’re

all realizing just how important the internet and social media are in connecting us.
I think I can speak for most everyone when I say that despite all the efforts to normalize life in quarantine, we all just want to go back to “normal life.” When that day comes, I hope that we all come away with new skills and experiences that’ll make us value everything more.