Cross country teams cap off season with States meet

Submitted Rudy Utzschneider

Girls’ cross country at the start of their state meet at Gardner Municipal Golf Course on Nov. 16. Both the boys’ and girls’ teams raced at the state meet with the boys finishing seventh.

Karthik Yalala and Elena Neilson

After strong performances at the CMASS Division 1 championship, the boys’ and girls’ cross country teams competed at the state championship Saturday, Nov. 16.

The boys’ team placed seventh out of 20 teams, while the girls’ team placed 17th out of 20 teams. It was a competitive meet and both teams showed a great effort.

Senior captain Quinn Potter was satisfied with his team’s performance. 

“We wanted to finish in the top ten and we got seventh so we were all happy with the result and I think we all ran well,” Potter said.

Boys’ cross country head coach and social studies teacher Nate Uttaro was also pleased by their performance.

“They were up against the best teams in the state,” Uttaro said. “It was a big challenge but the guys stuck to the game plan and they ran really well.”

Senior captain Joe Kearney and Uttaro believe that the pack mentality the boys’ team had contributed to the success they had this season. 

“One thing we did really well this year is running as a pack,” Kearney said. “Our one through five spread was pretty minimal. Just packing in runners allowed us to block out other teams and score a lot.”

“Mentally they were prepared,” Uttaro said. “Physically they felt good and they stuck together. Cross country is a lot easier when you run as a pack and they did a great job with it.”

Girls’ senior captain Karmyn Shreeve was proud of the girls’ effort.

“We were just happy to be there and race competitively against the best teams in the state,” Shreeve said. “We put it all out there.”

Girls’ cross country head coach and math teacher Patrick Galvin praised his team for their unity throughout the season. 

“The girls came together towards the middle of the season and the end of the season,” Galvin said. 

Galvin believes that the team greatly benefited from the leadership of the captains. 

“[The captains] did a fantastic job of bringing everyone together and being positive,” Galvin said.