The least wonderful time of the year: midterm studying tips

Elissa Gorman, Editor-in-Chief

Welcome to 2019, and it is officially the least wonderful time of the year!

Midterms are just around the corner, and if you listen closely enough, you can almost hear the sound of students crying in the background. ‘Tis the season, indeed. While I can’t promise that these tips and tricks will make the next few weeks much better, here are a few habits that have helped me in the past. Happy studying!

1. Make a plan

Obviously the ideal situation would be to make a plan and stick to it, but even seeing the word “midterms” pop up on your computer screen might just make you anxious enough to close the Netflix tab and crack a book. It helps me to go through each class and organize myself to figure out what I need to do to study. That might mean seeing what units you’ve covered, making study guides or rereading textbook chapters. Again, even if you don’t adhere to your plan exactly, it’s always nice to have a roadmap to fall back on.


2. Find what works for you

If written study guides are your thing, then get some pretty pens and go all out. If typing information helps you remember, then do it! Make a Quizlet, draw a picture, write some formulas on Post-its and stick them on your bathroom mirror — literally whatever works. Not everyone can study in a group, but personally, the thought of my mom buying Domino’s for my friends and I is almost enough motivation to host a study session.


3. Use technology to your advantage 

Fun fact: after staring at a chemistry problem for upwards of 30 minutes today, I finally typed the first few words into a search, and the exact problem popped up. I’m not saying to cheat, but remember that there are tools at your disposal to help you understand what you’re learning in class. Khan Academy, Crash Course and Google can be your friends. Google docs will also be a blessing. I highly suggest making study materials yourself to help retain what you put down, but if you ask enough upperclassmen, one of them is bound to have just the study guide you need to pass that precalc test (see Natalie Sadek, you can thank her later.) Also, if you haven’t gotten around to it yet, check out for a plethora of study resources, from textbook PDF’s to course notes.


4. Prioritize!

This one may not be the most popular with teachers, but be honest with yourself. If you feel confident in history but really struggle with math, it may be a good idea to start with your weakness and focus most of your efforts there. It’s best if you make time to study for all your classes, but when it comes down to crunch time, try to think about what makes the most sense for you.


5. Pick something to look forward to

On January 25, I personally will go home and take a long nap. Maybe you decide to plan a trip or get food, but treat yourself after getting through a tough week!


6. Don’t forget to breathe 

Yes, you need it to live. At the end of the day, it’s just a test and your life will not end no matter the result. I promise. A day is only 24 hours, and while January 22-25 may feel like the longest week of your life, it will pass and be over before you know it. We are on the downswing; you can do this!