Glitter, murder, scandal: ‘Chicago’ debuts glamorous performances

Photo Maggie Del Re

The entire cast came out on stage to perform the opening number, “All That Jazz.”

Maggie Del Re, Editor-in-Chief

The bold and glamorous production of “Chicago” delighted audiences in the auditorium on December 6, 7 and 8.

Directed by fine and performing arts teacher Maura Morrison, the musical followed Roxie Hart, played by freshman Sarah Boush, as she struggled to escape a prison sentence after murdering her secret lover Fred Casely, played by senior Nick Giurleo.

The show opened up with “All That Jazz” led by sophomore Miranda Slingluff as Velma Kelly, an aspiring dancer in Chicago, who was also awaiting trial for murdering her husband and sister after discovering the two had an affair.

“My favorite number is ‘All That Jazz’ because it’s just such a fun way to start,” Slingluff said. “And being on stage with everyone is just my favorite because they’re so awesome and just such a great group of people.”

As Matron “Mama” Morton, senior Julia Howard’s powerful singing voice made it clear to inmates that if “you took care of Mama, Mama took care of you” in her number “When You’re Good to Mama.” She did inmates favors such as calling lawyers in return for cash.

“Mama” called the famously talented lawyer Billy Flynn, played by senior Chris Martin, to represent both Roxie and Velma in court, creating competition between the murderesses for his attention.

In his opening song, Flynn sang “All I Care About” to demonstrate his passion for love, although audience members later realize he is a very greedy and often callous character, scoring some laughs.

“Cell Block Tango” also showed the show’s humor, with senior Katherine Moffa as Hunyak, speaking only Hungarian except for the words “not guilty.” In the number, junior Naomi Drew told the story of how her husband died when he walked into her knife… ten times.

“It’s so awesome to hear when an audience is laughing,” Boush said. “You remember how funny the show actually is and it’s an amazing feeling.”

An audience favorite was Roxie’s husband, Amos Hart, played by freshman Matt Curley. The audience was filled with sympathy when he sang “Mister Cellophane” about how no one ever paid any attention to him.

“He was probably my favorite character in the play,” audience member sophomore Hayden Rosenburg said. “He was just really funny and he was able to deliver his lines perfectly in my opinion.”

Curley feels that the show improved each night they performed it.

“I think I’m really getting into character even better than I have before,” Curley said.

All of the music in the show was played by a live student orchestra. The orchestra was situated on-stage instead of next to it or underneath it, so the audience could see the student performers better.

“It was great,” tenor sax player and freshman Jared Lipkin said. “I really like jazz music and the show was great.”

The musical’s crew was all student-based as well.

“It’s a very busy job, but it’s really fun,” lighting technician and senior Joe Gordon said. “I love just seeing it all come together. You do all these little details and then you see it all come together in this 90 minute show of lights.”

Overall, while cast members agreed the production was a success, many stated that the best part of the musical was the relationships they formed with their peers.

“My favorite part would probably be bonding with the cast and getting to know everyone because I made so many friends,” Boush said.