O’Brien, Iverson create postive environment in Best Buddies
Seniors Christina Iverson [left] and Molly O’Brien [right] spread inclusion and positivity throughout the school as they lead the Algonquin chapter of Best Buddies.
May 25, 2018
As co-leaders of Best Buddies, seniors Molly O’Brien and Christina Iverson work together to make Algonquin a fun and comfortable place for students with special needs through spreading positivity and awareness.
Best Buddies International is a nonprofit organization consisting of volunteers that create opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
“The main goal [of Best Buddies] is just to spread inclusion especially throughout the Algonquin community and try to get everyone involved whether they have a disability or not,” Iverson said.“It’s to get everyone involved and to make sure everyone’s included and has someone that they can be friends with and turn to if they need it.”
By joining the club, members can knock down barriers between them and students with special needs, normalizing these friendships and spreading positivity.
“You make so many new friends and connections with people. Whether you’re an associate member or just a regular member or a peer buddy or an officer,” Iverson said. “No matter what role you play in the club, you build connections and friendships that last forever. I’ve made some of my best friends in that club.”
The club has had many accomplishments this year including extremely successful pairing of buddies.
“One of our biggest successes this year is effectively pairing people in the one to one friendships,” O’Brien said. “Because in years past some of the pairs haven’t been very compatible, but I think this year we spent a lot of time in the beginning of the year. Our buddy pairs are so strong.”
They sponsored the Best Buddies Polar Plunge March 17, where students and faculty jumped into a pool to raise awareness.
Kevin Hausmann • Jun 7, 2018 at 1:01 pm
Great article! Both Christina and Molly live the mission of seeing all people for their abilities. They consistently seek to build connections between their peers with and without disabilities.
However, I would like to add that there are many other student leaders who have given their energies to strengthening our chapter. Other senior officers include Ryan Strobel, Laura Bacon, Kaleigh Barker, and Isabella Masciarelli.
We appreciate and thank all of the officers and leaders at this time of graduation and wish incoming chapter president Hailey Lowe Best of luck with continuing the tradition of inclusion.