Q&A: Wrestling senior captain speaks about captain responsibilities, wrestling season
Senior captain Jack Golden reflected on the wrestling team’s overall performance. Senior Walker Haskins and junior Shea Garand were also captains for the 2017-18 season.
March 22, 2018
What is your favorite part about being on the wrestling team and why?
“I like being on the wrestling team because it’s a great way to get to know people and it’s a great way to stay in shape.”
What separated wrestling apart from other sports that made you want to join the team?
“My coach says this all the time: most sports are based on physical ability and skill wise, just how good you are. Wrestling is not just that; it’s a combination of strength, skill and technique. You have to know how to wrestle; you can’t just join the team and expect to be good because you’re good at some other sport.”
As seniors, what will you guys remember most being a part of the wrestling team?
“I will definitely remember how hard I worked through practices, and through the postseason, like States, All-States, and New Englands and all the tournaments.”
As captains, what are your biggest responsibilities in this role for the team?
“We’re mostly responsible for making sure the team is warmed up before their match, or making sure that they’re listening to the coach during practice and not goofing off and making sure they’re practicing their drills.”
What is the biggest challenge in wrestling? Why is this so difficult?
“I’d say the biggest challenge is probably getting over the nervousness of starting a match. Before a match you’re always so nervous and you want to do well, but it’s a lot of hard work.”
What are your team goals nearing the end of the season?
“I want everyone to do well. We already had Sectionals actually last Saturday [February 3], and I believe we had five or six guys place, and we had two or three in the top three for their placing. I really want to see the younger guys go far after placing at Sectionals and I’d like to see them wrestling this following year so that they can get better.”